/ engaging

EMOTIVE supports emotional storytelling, portraying complex characters in a variety of historic social settings, encouraging contemporary users to have an empathetic, deeper connection with them and understand aspects of their reality, which involves answering universal human needs and feeling emotions which transcend time.

An EMOTIVE experience combines several elements, ranging from simple audio-visual narrations to virtual representations and augmented reality applications, integrated in the context of a storyline, in order to stimulate a range of senses and make the visitor feel and act as a real inhabitant of a virtual environment.


/ personal

EMOTIVE aims to support personalized digital content that will keep the visitor’s attention throughout the visit.

It creates individual profiles fort visitors (based on personal preferences, interests, knowledge, etc.) and then tailors their experience to match their interests.


/ collaborative

EMOTIVE supports several collaboration and synchronization approaches between group members. It enables story designers to define and implement user experiences that effectively combine private and shared moments, implementing a variety of information, reasoning or opinion gap tasks, by either enforcing coordination of visitor actions or allowing user-initiated interactions.


/ scalable

EMOTIVE will also aim to provide an alternative cheap and flexible fabrication pipeline for artefact production that can be used to produce high quality copies in small/medium numbers (e.g., in the order of hundreds or thousands) with setup and running cost that are competitive with current digital fabrication technologies.

/ social

EMOTIVE supports group-based experiences, providing a range of possibilities to coordinate visitor actions and synchronize their activities.

EMOTIVE places special emphasis on social interaction between group members, aiming to enhance communication and collaboration between them. Visitors are provided with a virtual “toolbox”, in which they can store notes, story elements, clues, and anything that they may want to keep for later or share with others.

EMOTIVE creates a user community where the visitors can interact with each other, post questions and start conversation amongst them but also with the domain experts.


/ integrated

EMOTIVE supports the integration of additional device types, such as smart TVs, projectors, cardboard glass devices, and even head mounted displays. These devices may be used either by a single visitor during the private moments of the experience, or they may be employed as shared mediums, accessed by many group members simultaneously.

EMOTIVE aims to couple augmented and virtual reality consumer technologies with the direct manipulation of fabricated artefacts. The main objective is to build an inexpensive system that can offer the user the possibility of a mixed virtual/real experience that can be perceived as more immersive and emotionally reverberating.


/ connected

EMOTIVE also supports hybrid visits, where some users may be located on site while others participate remotely, defining different types of interaction in each setting.

EMOTIVE pays special attention to the post-visit experience. Objects collected in each user’s virtual “toolbox” act as souvenirs, reminding them of selected parts of the experience. Visitors can choose to further explore these objects by seeking other stories that are related to them, sending them to other members of their group, rating them, or even sharing them within their social networks.

EMOTIVE users engage with the EMOTIVE world in various ways, keeping a continuous connection with the platform. E.g., a visitor may signup on-site, re-login from home and re-engage after weeks to check on the community and transfer knowledge.


/ updateable

EMOTIVE aims to create an ongoing feedback loop, between visitors, story designers and museum experts. Visitor choices, questions, comments or remarks are collected, analysed and reported. Such reports can provide valuable feedback to all the parties that participate in the creation of the stories, enabling them to modify and extend them accordingly.