ARCHES aims to create more inclusive cultural environments particularly for those with differences and difficulties associated with perception, memory, cognition and communication. It will achieve this through in-depth research analysis and the development of innovative applications, functionalities and experiences based on the reuse and redevelopment of the aforementioned digital resources.

The European "CrossCult": Empowering reuse of digital cultural heritage in context-aware crosscuts of European history" project aims to spur a change in the way European citizens appraise History. It will foster the re-interpretation of what citizens may have learnt in the light of cross-border interconnections among pieces of cultural heritage, other citizens' viewpoints and physical venues. It seeks to increase retention, stimulate reflection and help citizens appreciate their common past and present in a more holistic manner. Technology and mobile apps will be used and a user-friendly and a cost-efficient tool for experience designers, museum experts and external stakeholders, will be developed.

PLUGGY, the Pluggable Social Platform for Heritage Awareness and Participation, aims to bridge this gap by providing the necessary tools to allow users to share their local knowledge and everyday experience with others, together with the contribution of cultural institutions, building extensive networks around a common area interest, connecting the past, the present and the future.