EMOTIVE offers a wide set of tools that support the creation and publication of a variety of experiences for on-site and remote visitors.
Create interactive storytelling experiences for mobile devices
With the EMOTIVE Authoring Tools, creators and cultural heritage experts are empowered to collaborate and create interactive storytelling experiences for museums or cultural sites. Visitors can then download these experiences on their smartphone and are encouraged through immersive narratives to engage more meaningfully and deeply at different stages of their visit.
By supporting several author roles with varying technical expertise, the EMOTIVE Authoring Tools can be used to produce any type of on-site experience, from simple text-based presentations to advanced multi-user AR games. The Storyboard Editor enables story writers to quickly set up and test prototypes and simple experiences without much effort or technical expertise, based on the well-known storyboard paradigm. At the next level, the Visual Scenario Editor enables authors to define complex storylines and design diverse experiences for both single users and groups. Using visual programming, it allows authors without programming skills to create advanced experiences reusing ready-to-use modules. The visual programming paradigm empowers creators with programming skills to implement these features much quicker than they would have been able to do using manual coding.

Bring your experiences online
EMOTIVE experiences made for mobile devices can be easily converted for online use, transported to an easy-to-build 360° virtual space. The Floor Plan Editor enables cultural heritage professionals to create virtual representations of their sites by merging 360° photographs and publishing them on a web environment. These virtual spaces are then viewable through EMOTIVE’s Web Experiencing System and are combined with the storytelling originally made to be used on-site, thus bringing the same experience off-site.

Create immersive virtual experiences
Off-site experiences can be brought to the next level with our Mixed Reality Plugin for Unity. Utilising advanced Image-Based Rendering (IBR) techniques, developers are able to use typical 2D photography to turn a real space into a fully immersive virtual environment.

Bring objects to life
Emotional engagement with the past becomes much more intense when we are able to touch historical objects, see their colours and feel their texture. EMOTIVE provides tools that enable cultural heritage creators and visitors to cast their own replicas of historical artefacts.
Additionally, with the help of the EMOTIVE’s Object Tracking Plugin for Unity, these objects can be brought back to their original state through a Virtual Reality headset, enabling the visitor to interact, and even playfully engage with the replica, using a responsive tangible user-interface.