Our work: EXUS

OUR WORK: EXUS’s experience of the Emotive project to date

Nine months have passed since Emotive started and it’s been a really busy but also exciting time at EXUS, where we coordinate all the activities of the project. It’s our role to support the team and keep everything moving, in good time, and in harmony. It is a little like being in a small orchestra!

Directed by our conductor (Dimitris), our first violin section (Hara (concertmaster), Stella (violoncello), Elena (viola)), coordinates the project activities and makes sure that they run smoothly, efficiently and effectively. We overview all partners’ work and collaborate with them closely to ensure that all deliverables are submitted within the time schedule.

Our percussion section (Anastasia) is responsible for all logistics, the arrangements of the trips and meetings, taking care of the Emotive team’s special needs as well as the external participants, as was the case in the workshop held in Glasgow.

And our brass section, aka technical gurus (Kostas (lead trumpet), Odysseas (trombone), Angelos (cornet), Savvas (clarinet), Spyros (horn), Zisis (tuba), Theodora (trumpet)), have most recently been working closely with Emotive’s technical team to define the architecture and the system functional specifications that will support the production of the Emotive’s experiences.

Our EXUS orchestra communicates with all partners regularly through teleconferences, to share our progress and schedule the project’s next steps. And because we need face-to-face contact too, we also organise regular meetings.

The kick-off meeting where we all gathered together for the very first time and exchanged our ideas and ambitions for the project was very promising for the future of the project. Our latest project meeting, held for three days in our premises in Athens at the end of May, focused in aligning the works of the user partners and technical partners.

Over the summer, all partners are working on the development of independent modules that will be integrated in the alpha release. The work continues and our little orchestra plays on – music to my ears!

Hara Stefanou, Project Coordinator (concertmaster)

Image source: Great Heidelberg manuscript /Codex Manesse (detail), Hidelberg University Library